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Telegram 用戶現可透過聊天功能進行 USDT 轉賬 | 區塊內幕 Cryptoinsiders

Telegram 是一個受歡迎的即時通訊應用程式,擁有優越的安全性和速度。區塊內幕 Cryptoinsiders 消息- 最近,Telegram 用戶可以通過聊天功能直接進行 USDT 轉賬。本文將介紹此次更新的背景及其對用戶的好處。

Telegram, the popular messaging app known for its security and speed, has recently introduced a new feature that allows users to transfer USDT directly within their chat conversations. In this article, we’ll explore the background of this innovative feature, as well as its benefits for users.
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Telegram 與 USDT 簡介


Telegram 因其對用戶隱私的保護和豐富的功能而受到全球用戶的喜愛。有了最新的更新,用戶可以在聊天對話中無縫進行 USDT 轉賬。

Telegram has gained a global following due to its commitment to user privacy and its impressive array of features. With the latest update, users can now enjoy seamless USDT transfers within their chat conversations, making the process more convenient and secure.
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USDT(Tether)是加密貨幣世界中廣泛使用的一種穩定幣。它的價值通常與美元或其他法定貨幣掛鈎,以保持價格穩定。這使得 USDT 成為尋求市場穩定性的交易者和投資者的理想選擇。

USDT (Tether) is a widely used stablecoin in the world of cryptocurrency. It’s designed to maintain a stable value, typically pegged to the US dollar or another fiat currency. This makes it a popular choice for traders and investors looking for stability and predictability in the volatile crypto market.
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USDT 轉賬功能


在 Telegram 中,用戶可以通過單擊按鈕在聊天對話中進行 USDT 轉賬。首先,您需要將支持的錢包連接到 Telegram 帳戶。連接錢包後,您可以通過輸入所需金額並單擊“發送”按鈕來發送和接收 USDT。

In Telegram, users can now transfer USDT within their chat conversations by simply clicking on a button. First, you need to connect a supported wallet to your Telegram account. Once your wallet is connected, you can send and receive USDT by entering the desired amount and clicking the “send” button.
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這一新功能使用戶在轉賬 USDT 時可以享受無縫、用戶友好的體驗。它消除了在不同應用程式或平台之間切換的需求,簡化了流程並提高了安全性。此外,它使用戶可以在現有的社交網絡中進行交易,從而增強了信任並促進了加密貨幣的普及。

This new feature allows users to enjoy a seamless, user-friendly experience when transferring USDT. It eliminates the need to switch between different apps or platforms, streamlines the process, and enhances security. Moreover, it enables users to conduct transactions within their existing social network, fostering trust and increasing the adoption of cryptocurrency.
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Telegram 用戶現在可以通過聊天功能輕鬆進行 USDT 轉賬,這無疑為加密貨幣世界帶來了更多便利。這樣的創新功能將有助於加密貨幣在全球範圍內的普及與應用。

The ability for Telegram users to transfer USDT within chat conversations marks a new era of convenience and security in the world of cryptocurrency. As innovative features like this continue to emerge, the adoption and application of cryptocurrencies will likely expand globally
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