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High Fees Killing dApps: Cartesi Explains in Hashing It Out Podcast


The rise of decentralized applications (dApps) has been one of the defining features of the blockchain ecosystem. These applications promise to revolutionize numerous industries, from finance to healthcare, by enabling peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries. However, high fees on many blockchain networks are becoming a major obstacle for the growth of dApps. In a recent episode of the Hashing it Out podcast, Colin and Ethan from the Cartesi team discussed this issue and how their platform is addressing it.

The Impact of High Fees on dApps

High fees are a result of congestion on blockchain networks, which can be caused by a variety of factors, including increased usage and limited capacity. The Ethereum network, for example, has been experiencing high fees due to the popularity of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. These fees can make it prohibitively expensive for users to interact with dApps, which can limit adoption and hinder growth.

Colin and Ethan explained that high fees can also discourage developers from building on certain blockchain networks. This is because the cost of deploying and maintaining a dApp can be significant, and if the fees outweigh the potential benefits, it may not be worth the effort.

Cartesi’s Solution

Cartesi is a blockchain development platform that aims to address the issue of high fees by enabling developers to build dApps that run off-chain. This means that the heavy computation required by many dApps can be performed on a separate virtual machine, rather than on the blockchain itself. By doing so, Cartesi can reduce the cost and complexity of deploying and maintaining dApps.

Colin and Ethan explained that Cartesi’s approach is particularly useful for dApps that require complex computations, such as machine learning algorithms or video game graphics. These applications can require significant resources, which can quickly drive up fees on traditional blockchain networks.

The Future of dApps

Despite the current challenges posed by high fees, Colin and Ethan remain optimistic about the future of dApps. They believe that as platforms like Cartesi continue to evolve, developers will have new tools and solutions that will enable them to build more complex and powerful applications.

As the blockchain ecosystem continues to mature, it is likely that new solutions will emerge to address the issue of high fees. Until then, platforms like Cartesi will play an important role in enabling the development of the next generation of decentralized applications.


High fees are a significant obstacle for the growth of dApps, but platforms like Cartesi are working to address this challenge. By enabling developers to build dApps that run off-chain, Cartesi is reducing the cost and complexity of deploying and maintaining these applications. As the blockchain ecosystem continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see new solutions emerge to address the issue of high fees and enable the development of more powerful dApps.

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