區塊內幕 Cryptoinsiders 消息- Bored Ape的母公司將允許最多10,000名Otherdeed NFT持有者參與其Otherside元宇宙平台的第二次遊戲化測試。該公司表示,“第二次旅程”將由四名Otherside團隊隊長帶領,持續兩個小時,並為每個持有Otherdeed NFT的“航海家”提供邀請一位客人參與體驗的機會。該活動將以先到先得的方式容納多達10,000名航海家參與,同時,其他人也可以在公司的YouTube頻道上觀看活動的直播。
Yuga Labs’ Otherside Metaverse will launch its second journey on March 25th, allowing up to 10,000 Otherdeed NFT holders to participate in the second gamified testing of its Otherside metaverse platform. The company stated that the “second journey” will be led by four Otherside team captains and will last for two hours, offering each “navigator” who holds an Otherdeed NFT the opportunity to invite a guest to join the experience. The event will accommodate up to 10,000 navigators on a first-come, first-served basis, and others can watch the event live on the company’s YouTube channel. Yuga Labs is also the parent company of the popular Bored Ape NFT collection.
Yuga Labs在2022年7月舉辦了其“第一次旅程”,吸引了超過4,600名玩家參加,但也導致以太坊網絡擁堵。參加第一次旅程的航海家將有資格獲得與Otherside整體敘事相關聯的獨特的Obelisk Piece。該公司的聯合創始人Wylie Aronow和Greg Solano在去年12月接受CoinDesk採訪時表示,他們將Otherside視為其品牌傘下所有項目的交叉點。該公司最初在2022年4月預告了其元宇宙雄心壯志,打造一個平台,讓玩家可以擁有土地,並將其現有的NFT轉變為可玩的角色。 Yuga Labs最初出售了55,000個與虛擬土地所有權相關的Otherdeed NFT,在首次銷售中獲得了約3.2億美元的收入。
Yuga Labs held its “first journey” in July 2022, attracting over 4,600 players but also causing congestion on the Ethereum network. Navigators who participated in the first journey were eligible to receive a unique Obelisk Piece related to the overall narrative of Otherside. Yuga Labs’ co-founders, Wylie Aronow and Greg Solano, stated in a CoinDesk interview in December of last year that they view Otherside as the intersection of all their brand’s projects. The company initially announced its metaverse ambitions in April 2022, aiming to create a platform where players could own land and turn their existing NFTs into playable characters. Yuga Labs initially sold 55,000 Otherdeed NFTs related to virtual land ownership, earning approximately $320 million in revenue during its initial sale.
根據OpenSea的數據,截至目前,Otherdeed NFT的總銷售額為524,130 ETH(約合8.06億美元)。在本文發佈時,Otherdeed NFT的最低價格為1.9 ETH,約合2,920美元。
According to OpenSea, Otherdeed NFTs have done 524,130 ETH (about $806 million) in total sales to date. The floor price for an Otherdeed NFT at the time of publishing is 1.9 ETH, or about $2,920.
Bored Ape Yacht Club的母公司Yuga Labs宣布了Otherside元宇宙平台的第二次遊戲化測試的新細節。該活動將於3月25日舉行,持有Otherdeed NFT的航海家將有機會參加為期兩個小時的敘事體驗,並邀請一位客人加入。該活動將容納多達10,000名航海家參與,並在公司的YouTube頻道上進行直播。在第一次旅程參加者的資格下,參加第二次旅程的航海家將有機會獲得與Otherside整體敘事相關聯的獨特的Obelisk Piece。 Yuga Labs最初出售了55,000個與虛擬土地所有權相關的Otherdeed NFT,在首次銷售中獲得了約3.2億美元的收入。
Yuga Labs, the parent company of Bored Ape Yacht Club, has announced new details for the second gamified test of its Otherside metaverse platform. The event will take place on March 25th, and navigators who hold Otherdeed NFTs will have the opportunity to participate in a two-hour narrative experience and invite a guest to join. The event will accommodate up to 10,000 navigators and will be live-streamed on the company’s YouTube channel. Navigators who participate in the second journey will have the chance to receive a unique Obelisk Piece related to the overall narrative of Otherside, based on eligibility criteria from the first journey. Yuga Labs initially sold 55,000 Otherdeed NFTs related to virtual land ownership, earning approximately $320 million in revenue during its initial sale.